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Portrait painting​


In the portrait paintings that I make, the focus on the likeness and appearance of the artwork. I work quite precise, and want a painting to look like a painting and not like a photograph, because there are so many cool techniques that I can use as a painter that a photographer doesn't have! I have mastered a colorful style of painting. I prefer intense colors or a combination of them with more subdued colors for a somewhat mysterious atmosphere. 

Artworks in different sizes ​

Below is an impression of the canvas sizes for paintings which most of my clients are interested in. Canvasses can be custom made so these can also be bigger or smaller, however you prefer. The size of the artwork in the example below is originally 80x100 cm.

Portretschilderij in verschillende maten. Hoe groot is een schilderij
Portretschilderij in verschillende maten. Hoe groot is een schilderij

Frame or no frame? ​

Fro me a work of art without a frame has a contemporary and raw look. This can look very nice especially with a white or light-colored solid wall. A frame around a piece of art creates will isolate the piece,  by creating a barrier between the artwork and the wall, which can look very sophisticated. Another advantage of framing is that the artwork can be matched with the interior.

Below is a slide gallery to give you an impression of how the same artwork will look with different frames.

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